We're looking for 100 more signatures on the petition today. Can you help?

— Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has 235,000 supporters nation-wide.

Get your free copy of our e-book: Life After COVID. What's Next for Canada?


What do governments need to do once COVID is under control?

Life After COVID is a FREE eBook that examines the major issues Canada faces as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The eBook was written by five organizations, including Canadian Taxpayers Federation, and discusses the following topics:

  • Health care – Thousands of surgeries were postponed during the pandemic. How do we address that problem and improve the system for patients?
  • Government finances – Governments piled up mountains of debt during COVID. How can that problem be managed while protecting taxpayers?
  • Economic growth – How can governments help create jobs without cutting cheques?
  • Rights review – Many of our personal freedoms were trampled during COVID-19. What was warranted? What went too far?
  • Democratic institutions – From failing to pass budgets to avoiding legislative debate, governments sidestepped many of our democratic processes.
  • What about the original emergency plans? Why were the government’s original emergency plans ignored? What needs to change if there’s another emergency?

Our Partners

Canadian Taxpayers Federation has partnered with four other organizations to write this book – Montreal Economic Institute, SecondStreet.org, Canadian Constitution Foundation and the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. As well, this book features a guest column from Toronto Sun columnist Anthony Furey.

Get your free e-book now by filling out the form below. We’ll email it to you right away.

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