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Thank you for signing the petition. Your support helps us fight for lower taxes, less waste and more accountable government.

— Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director

Show politicians facts about gun bans and buybacks

You might be a little bit different – in a good way.

Thousands of Canadians are on the same page and standing up against the gun ban and buyback. For about 99% of those folks, signing a petition, it’s a big step. And it’s great to have them on the team.

But what about the other 1%?

The 1% want to take action.

And they go the extra mile by donating to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

You can show politicians and bureaucrats that the gun ban and buyback won’t work by putting the facts right on a sidewalk billboard in Ottawa.

Please donate on our secure donation form today!

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A monthly gift will go even further to hold politicians accountable and fight for lower taxes and against government waste.